October 9, 2019
Are you tired of your friends besting you with their travel horror stories? Missed connections in Atlanta? Blizzards in Chicago? Well move over Hartsfield and O’Hare. LaGuardia is here with a new Fresh Hell every week! According to a recent Insights™ Survey ®, respondents describe the $8 billion,. Read More >
October 2, 2019
Seriously, do you? Right. See what I mean? The gig economy, while undeniably hip, isn’t digging millennials or gen-z-ers out of tens of thousands in student loan debt. Which explains why half of older Americans have dipped into retirement savings to help their grown children. Did you say retirement? Who can retire? Boomers’ median savings is $150,000. Read More >
Sept 13, 2019
A pharmacy in Italy. That’s where I spotted a jar of something called “skin cleansing balm.” I’m a sucker for potions, lotions and unguents — especially in foreign countries. So of course, I bought it. It even came with a cunning little cloth. I used it on my face, carefully following the instructions to rub in circular motions, then remove with the special cloth. My skin hadn’t felt this good since…Read More >
Are you an American female? How many times a week do you think about your weight? A dozen? Two dozen? If you are fat American woman, weekly weight-thoughts probably number in the hundreds, if not thousands. Weight permeates the day-to-day reality of practically every American woman. This is why Kristan Higgins’ book “Good Luck With That” is a must-read for all women, of any size…Read More >